② 単語のカウント方法として,`Theory of Everything’のようにバッククォートとシングルクォートで囲まれたパートを,1つの単語として表現するように wordsCount を拡張しなさい。
オリジナルの wordsCount。
wordsCount str = outWords str where outWords [] = 0 outWords (c:cs) | isAlphaNum c = 1 + inWords cs | otherwise = outWords cs inWords [] = 0 inWords (c:cs) | isAlphaNum c = inWords cs | otherwise = outWords cs
wordsCount str = outWords str where outWords [] = 0 outWords (c:cs) | c == '`' = 1 + inQuote cs | isAlphaNum c = 1 + inWords cs | otherwise = outWords cs inWords [] = 0 inWords (c:cs) | c == '`' = 1 + inQuote cs | isAlphaNum c = inWords cs | otherwise = outWords cs inQuote [] = 0 inQuote (c:cs) | c == '\'' = outWords cs | otherwise = inQuote cs
*Main> wordsCount "`Theory of Everything' by Greg Egan" 4